A Non-Profit Organization

Simplify the Complexity of Student Loan Relief

In a couple of minutes, understand what your options are and what your next steps should be. No risk to see your options. No payment to get started.

Are you Struggling Due to the Rising Cost of Student Loans?

And the oncoming end of Deferments?

If you have been struggling with your student loans, you’re not alone. Repaying federal student loans is a challenge that so many millions of students are currently facing.

Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet or quick fix when it comes to student loan relief. As the cost of education continues to rise, the problem of student loan payments will continue to affect the budgets of households across the nation.

There is help.

How Does Student Loan Guidance Work?

Our approach to Student Loan Guidance involves a top-to-bottom look at your individual financial situation. We see how your monthly budget is impacted by your student loan payments.

From there, Counselors employ a three-step process to help you. S/he will help you determine the best course of action to pay
down your student loans responsibly, try to get your payment under control and help you learn the effects of student loan debt
on your credit.

The three steps are:
  • Analysis – Figure out who and what you owe;

  • Evaluation – Figure out how much you can afford to pay;

  • Implementation –Devise a plan for repayment.



The first step in our Student Loan Guidance Program is to more fully understand your particular situation. Your Counselor look at your budget, expenses, and spending patterns. From there, s/he can usually make recommendations that can improve how you utilize your income while reducing your expenses and liabilities. This allows you to free up income that can be directed toward paying down your loans.

Then, s/he reviews information that may impact eligibility for student loan programs, such as adjusted gross income, family size, tax-filing status, and type of employment. S/he’ll also gather loan-specific information such as the types of Student Loans, balances, monthly loan payments, repayment plan, loan status, and whether there is tax offset or wage garnishment.


For the next step in our Student Loan Guidance Program, your Counselor will use the information gathered to evaluate what repayment
options are available for you. Then, she’ll help detail what steps need to be taken to implement the option that best fits your situation. Once
s/he has identified the options, s/he’ll communicate the specifics of each option so you will understand both the pros and the cons, and the
necessary steps to ensure continued success with the chosen solution.




Finally, s/he will guide you through the process of filling out the necessary paperwork to enroll in the chosen repayment option, along with assisting you in any follow up calls needed to your loan servicer.

Some of the Federal student loan repayment options may include:

Income-driven repayment plans

Student loan forgiveness programs

Loan rehabilitation programs

Student loan consolidation

Ready to Take Control of Your Student Loans?

If you are looking to make your Federal student loans more affordable, get them current and keep them in a current status, call us today 561-472-8000 or fill out the form in the upper right sidebar to schedule your personalized counseling session.

Let’s Get Started

Request a Free Consulation


Take the Next Step to Control Your Student Loans

Use our online – self service assessment to find out repayment options available to you. You don’t have to talk to a counselor to find out what options are available to you. Our assessment will allow you to enter in your information and provide you with an online assessment today!

*Federal Repayment Programs Are Free and can be applied for 100% on your own, but if you need help through the process, that’s what Student Loan Guidance Service is designed for. Private Student Loans Are Not Eligible for the Free Federal Program or Consolidation Options. Federal repayment program options are FREE for all federal student loan holders and can be directly accessed through www.studentloans.gov.

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